CalfordMath Innovations...

Collaborative Math Mosaics

Math Mosaics

Students complete their individual colour-by-math worksheets, then combine their coloured sections to create the large whole-class mosaic.

Monk Monk Math!

Monk Monk Math!

Answer the math question to move the man toward the finish line and earn a banana. Don't let the rainbow sock monkey catch you or he'll steal a banana! (Counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)

Algebra Tile Factris

Download Leaderboard Website

Students learn and practice factoring quadradic expressions geometrically through a fun and visual computer game, Tetris-style! Visit the website for more info.

The "MFM1P 6000 " Culminating Activity

The MFM1P 6000 - Culminating Activity

An interactive computer game which gives students an opportunity to show what they have learned, using current models and strategies found in the MFM1P classroom, while providing endless opportunity for practice and timely remedial help! Students receive instant automated feedback worded in growth mindset language. This program also provides teachers an extensive summary of students strengths and areas of difficulty."

YouTube Channel

My channel, "Math On Beat" has a few of my Freestyle Friday math raps. There are lots more, but they don't have videos and I didn't want to post a bunch of audio tracks... maybe one summer I'll make another stop-action music video!

My TpT Store

Follow me on TpT!

Find a bunch of my activities, math mosaics, worksheets, raps, for sale or free on TeachersPayTeachers.

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